Is our universe mathematical? Or its just in our head?

Decoding the Universe. The great math Mystery.

Please do watch it with searching youtube.

Minimum two things are required to describe anything or we need a binary information (e.g. 0,1 in case of computer). Because one of it is taken the reference to say that this is not the same object as other. This is perhaps the fundamental principle, which we humans are limited by.
Why do I say minimum two things? I have written it on article:

Minimum two different things are required to describe anything.

To reach this conclusion, let's find out what we see or know. We know things by knowing their shapes.  But how to know the shape of a particular object. For it, we have to know the distance (the way of arrangement of the object). But again the question arises, how we know the distance. What makes us aware of the distance?

Let's take an example of colored board problem.
Imagine one red colored board. Also, imagine we are only seeing it and nothing else. Can we distinguish anything from it? We only see red and nothing else. Take an analogy of a person with eyes closed. When he/she enters the room, he/she can't distinguish between a chair, a table, a bed. He/she even can't say the particular object exists or not.

Now come again to the colored board problem. Now another big black color circle comes on the board. But how do we know it, it's a circle, not a square?  To know it we should be aware of distance. With using distance, we can tell whether it's a circle or square. It's because we have a tendency to measure distance, we can distinguish between a square and circle.

But how does distance arises in our mind?
We measure distance by counting. But how do we do counting here? We can only say that red is different from black. We can't count anything in it. How the numbers are so intuitive in our brain. We can't count a number of red dots on the board, neither we can count the number of black dots (circle) on the board.
So there is something that makes us count. It's a reference. The SMALLEST reference.
Imagine a smallest black dot in the board, surrounded by red color. Now take it  (the smallest black dot)  as the reference.
Now we are ready to say whether the black one is a circle or a square by counting. Just start putting the smallest reference black dots in the black circle line by line and measure no. of dots in each line. The first line would have one dot. The second line would have two dots, third 3  dots and at diameter maximum number of dots, then when we go down, the dots decreases and reaches to one again.

Bingo.. we know counting now.

Perhaps our limitation is based on this principle.

The matter is quantized as there is a demarcation between two objects, i.e. we can distinguish between objects but space is not as there is no demarcation is space.
And that demarcation can change in shape based upon interaction or forces.
Oops, we can demarcate space with matter. But as space is only one (i.e. very huge), it won't possible for matter particles to demarcate it if we take complete universe...

Why can't we see air? Why can't we feel the air at rest? It's because it doesn't create a change in our body (i.e. in our nervous system). We feel the heat because it creates a change in our body. We have proteins (other macromolecules) in our body which change based upon the change produced in the outer environment. 

But what is change?
Change is a comparative term arises due to the motion of particles. When few particles changes while other not, we can measure it taking one (that doesn't change) as a reference to other (which change). 
In this way, we can also construct time in our brain. We are always in the present state, all data(or particles) of universe/body are in present state. But past configuration (data points pattern called memory) are stored in the present state. But we can't be even sure that past configuration is actually the past. It's just an democratic validation algorithm. If all says it's our past data than it is. If all our past configuration (everyone) are manipulated than we will feel a different past than the actual one. 
Memory storage is not perfect. Whether you store it on a hard disk, or in more fragile and manipulative brain.
We evolutionarily designed to have the same type of data configurations. But our reality will be completely different from that of a snake or tree or a simple stone.
A stone only react when we give it a specified threshold of force to bring change inside its particles. The similar way our body even reacts based upon the threshold, if the stimulus is below the threshold, we won't know it. As our nervous system works on basis of threshold.


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