
Showing posts from May, 2020

Shivarthians can implement Universal Basic Income (UBI)

Shivarthians can implement Universal Basic Income (UBI) This is how UBI can work: 1) You need to deposit the collected tax to the blockchain. 2) KYC is required for the citizens 3) Community validation of productive work done by citizen use Shelling Game Work can include gardening (growing flowers, fruits, or vegetables), learning, writing, anything that's value to society and oneself. Comprehensive guidelines and type of work for which citizens will have access to ubi can be designed by shivarthian ( ) using evidence and research data.  No unemployment problem, no bullshit jobs. What Is a Bullshit Job? Here’s Graeber’s definition, which he constructs carefully over many pages: “ a bullshit job is a form of paid employment that is so completely pointless, unnecessary, or pernicious that even the employee canno

Is entropy of the universe increasing, or it can be constant?

The energy of the world is constant. The entropy of the world tends toward a maximum. --- Rudolf Clausious This is how heat tax works: Nivaldo J Tro But what if the heat tax produced is used for some other conversions: Regarding spontaneity: Spontaneity is defined as a process that occurs without ongoing outside intervention (such as the performance of work by some external force) Take for example photosynthesis, it does require energy for the process but doesn't it proceed when left to themselves. Regarding heat: What is heat actually? The definition of heat and temperature are circular.  What is heat at quantum level? A photon? If so what type of photon, infrared, or radio waves? Heat: 1) The sensation or perception of such energy as warmth or hotness Argumentation: It defines as sensation, so it's about brain signaling if the brain or nervou