
Showing posts from January, 2021

Why everyone should be scared of govt?

Blockchain is a technology that is going to impact every one of us. With blockchain, we can program any incentives design with Turing complete language it uses.  With blockchain, we can build dapps (or decentralization apps) 1) Decentralization Dapps don't have a central authority. Most organizations are centralized, whether Govt or organization like Google or Facebook. Centralization gives them absolute power which they can abuse in their own interest. Take, for example, Facebook to take your private data and give you targeted ads to brainwash you against a party. Google to censor the download of all expensive books, so that poor don't get a chance to learn from these books. Or a central govt who can print a large amount of money to spend for election and win which in contrast can create hyperinflation.  With blockchain, we can decentralize all these systems and hard code the rules of governance which they have to follow and can punish them or remove them if they are found fra