Whom do you ask questions in fair democracy?

In unfair democracy, we ask question to PM
(e.g. Narendra Modi in India)

Narendra Modiji, Why government is failing provide jobs to all its citizens?
Narendra Modiji, Why we have so much traffic in the roads?
Narendra Modiji, Why rivers of India are so much polluted? What has been done for cleaning it?
Narendra Modiji, Why there are farmer suicide?
Narendra Modiji, Why there is so much air pollution, that millions of people are dying of pulmonary diseases?
Narendra Modiji, Why there are slums?

In fair democracy, we ask questions to concerned departments the real service providers who will solve your problems

Department of education and economics, why government is failing to provide jobs to all its citizens?
Department of Public Transport, why we have so much traffic in roads?
Department of Pollution and Ecology, why rivers of India are so much polluted? What have been done for cleaning it?
Department of Agriculture and Education, Why there are farmer suicide?
Department of Air Pollution and Health, Why there is so much air pollution, that millions of people are dying of pulmonary diseases?
Department of Engineering and Building, Why there are slums? Why all citizens of India don't have home?

What is fair democracy?

A fair democracy, without any middleman or brokers such as politicians (MPs, MLAs, PM, CM) and bureaucrats, who delay the implementation. People will transact directly with their service provider departments.

Details of Fair democracy


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